Download Resume

Hello, I'm Alex Dudley,
a full stack developer
currently based in Nashville.

< about me />

I pride myself in my attention to detail.


I am a highly motivated, detail oriented bartender turned full stack software developer. As an Army veteran with 4+ years living and working in an international environment, I understand the importance of communication and teamwork; I hope to leverage that experience in my new career. I am seeking a front-end or full-stack position where I can continue to learn and grow as a developer.

profile pic

< technical experience />

Nashville Software School
February 2021 - August 2021

NSS is a six-month intensive, full-time software development bootcamp focusing on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and server-side fundamentals with C# and the .NET 5 framework.

  • Single-page application development with React and with a focus on modern ES6+ JavaScript features and modular code
  • Project management with issue tickets and GitHub Projects Database planning by building entity relationship diagrams (ERD) to define relationships with an emphasis on maintaining a flat data structure
  • Utilize vanilla JavaScript (ES6), and React.js to create single page dynamic web applications using full CRUD functionality
  • Styled applications using CSS, Bootstrap, and React Bootstrap
  • Completed 5 group project sprints with fully remote, comfortable with Slack, Zoom, GitHub Projects, and wireframes for group communication and collaboration

< technologies />

I enjoy the challenge of a difficult coding problem.

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A selection of recent projects I have worked on.

Project Link

habitLoop(🧠) is a habit tracker for people wishing to add good habits to their lives or get rid of bad habits

Tech used: React.js, CSS, HTML, React Bootstrap, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe XD


Holiday Road Trip Itinerary

Project Link

This was a group project where we built an app that allows users to select items from three seperate lists and then save them to an itinerary. I worked on the parks component as well as helping my teammates troubleshoot code while working remotely.

Tech used: JavaScrpt, HTML, CSS